Wednesday, January 12, 2011

tuxmobl gits wireless

tuxmobl is progressing well. I now have working wireless on linux via a Netgear WNA1100 I initially had a few issues but have since ironed them out. Mainly with connecting to the router it seems. The connection is actually on a usb 1.0 port but has been stable enough for over a week with my router that the tether is gone. ;-)

Retrieving the latest firmware and installing it was as easy as making a directory for kernel/firmware and cloning with git. You should not need to rebuild a kernel to take advantage of an update in firmware your distribution has not pushed through (busy guys) I didn't initially do this but the method does have benefits. Requires git.

Launch a terminal and create a directory for the kernel and change from that directory -

git clone git://

If you need to install a wireless-testing kernel to get the latest wireless kernel and build your own in order to achieve some added functionality (this is also an alternative to gentoo-sources though it may contain bug fixes and patches you are missing out on) create another directory for your new kernel source and cd there

git clone git://

Making a kernel is a subject in itself. Gentoo has genkernel if you need help. Or you could visit Pappy's kernel seeds for a jump start.

connman is the next project but currently you would add it to package.keywords
if you are using the 'stable' tree.

#echo 'net-misc/connman ~x86' >> /etc/portage/package.keywords

One of connman's dependencies is iptables so that should help firewalling the connection and wireless should be firewalled.

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