Monday, April 27, 2020

8+ years later

Opened this today and it has been almost a decade now since I last wrote. Life exerts its many pressures and things like a blog become incidental and unimportant.

 I moved on from Gentoo in the end I don't trust myself enough to know all the ins and outs of system setup and configuration and have moved to Debian.

What is more with Windows 10 support of the Linux command prompt I have been waiting for a tighter bash integration :) A lot could be won with a default bashrc that made use of the windows $PATH but then it is never really that simple and as usual the makers of the OS don't trust us not to screw it up. With good reason!

 Many things have changed thru the years. As my daughter grew I came to see some of my own responses to stimuli and modified them because of it. Feedback loop!

 I have been in cardiac rehabilitation twice now. Lost 40 pounds and when the weather permits a walk at least everyday. No more service trucks and 14-16 hour days in the heat of the summer on rooftops. No more dragging a torch and tanks to the roof. If you do this work guys make damn sure the exhaust fans work before you begin in an enclosed space. You don't want to have to change that fan motor with the racks leaking and it will scar your lungs o burn that torch and breathe that gas.

 We moved 1100 miles to Michigan to be closer to my wife's family due to health mostly. A friend I helped build a system for back in 2000 sent me a used rx580 and I bought a game and have been in it a lot since the pandemic thing.

 In 1993 I solved a problem and the company I worked for was bought out by Pilgrims Pride and is now the largest poultry processor in the US. And yes it is in some part due to the change in process I initiated back then. It eliminated almost entirely the loss of giblets during processing. There were of course several people involved and USDA approval was required so there is a record of the change for sure since the change added two more people to the eviscerating line. That is not all of it of course. Obviously I had already won my supervisor over and he took the idea to USDA after consulting with the brass.

 Now thing is I signed an NDA back when I first started with that company in 1990. I am sure that expired. I was actually let go a year or so later for being late one minute. (technically true) The change not only eliminates the loss of product it lowers the energy cost of processing and the load on the compressors and chillers saving money on energy and equipment replacement. The chillers were flooded type and the system required re-balancing at the hand valves (R-717)

Edit: Company- Gold Kist Poultry Live Oak, Florida Maintenance- Super Ray Mygrant(sp?) The change was to use chilled water(32 to 40 degrees F- the lower the better) when sending the product on to the diaphragm pumps and to the giblet chillers instead of tap water and separators; then adding chilled water at the red water chillers. Separators clogged and sent hot water to the chillers too often and the product had already passed inspection. An FOIA from the USDA should get the rest.

It would be nice if I got to profit a little from all that. It has yet to happen but then no other poultry processor has implemented this change as far as I can tell. In any case there is too much energy savings and waste to continue as that was done before.